Nina Waddell
Nina started her PhD in the REACH lab in 2019. Her research focuses on the ways in which sexist attitudes and gender can affect peoples’ experiences of intimate and family relationships. Sexist attitudes and gender roles play an important part in shaping the way people think, feel and behave in the context of relationships, and as such is an important area for exploration.
She is also interested in exploring how people can successfully balance their intimate relationships with other important areas of their life, such as personal goals and hobbies, work and career, family relationships and friendships. Given that people experience a constant need to manage all of these important life domains simultaneously, it is crucial to assess the factors which allow people to do this in a way that achieves positive functioning and overall wellbeing.
Nina is experienced in managing a wide range of data collection processes, including observational, large scale survey and daily diary procedures.

Journal Articles
Waddell, N., Overall, N.C., Chang, V.T., & Hammond, M.D. (2021). Gendered Division of Labour during a Nationwide COVID-19 Lockdown: Implications for Relationship Problems and Satisfaction. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38, 1759-1781. Special Issue: Relationships in the time of COVID-19.
Waddell, N., Sibley, C.G., & Osborne, D. (2019). Better off Alone? Ambivalent Sexism Moderates the Association Between Relationship Status and Life Satisfaction Among Heterosexual Women and Men. Sex Roles.