Nickola Overall
The primary goal of my research is to investigate how to overcome emotional, attachment and relationship difficulties to build healthy relationships and promote wellbeing. This involves investigating how couples can effectively resolve conflict and support each other, and the factors that influence these important relationship processes, such as biased perceptions, depressive symptoms, attachment insecurity, power, and sexist attitudes.
The quality and impact of my research has been recognized by the Gerald R. Miller Award for Early Career Achievement (2016) and the Caryl Rusbult Close Relationships Early Career Award (2014) for outstanding contributions to relationship science. I am fellow of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (2014) and the Association of Psychological Science (2015) in recognition for sustained outstanding contributions to the science of psychology. I have served as Associate Editor for Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes (2018-2022), Social Psychological and Personality Science (2013-2017) and Personal Relationships (2010-2013), and am on numerous editorial boards.
Please contact me if you would like more information about any of the below publications.

Girme, Y.U. & Overall, N.C. (online advance). Greater average levels of relatedness need fulfilment across daily and monthly life predict lower attachment insecurities across time. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
Overall, N.C., Cross, E.J., Low, S.T., McRae, C.S., Henderson, A.M.E., & Chang, V.T. (online advance). Fathers’ and mothers’ sexism predict less responsive parenting behavior during family interactions. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Peters., B.J., Overall, N.C., Gresham, A.M., Tudder, A., Chang, V.T., Reis, H.T., & Jamieson, J.P. (in press). Examining stress appraisal processes within romantic relationships from a challenge and threat perspective. Affective Science.
Pietromonaco, P.R. & Overall, N.C. (online advance). How sociocultural contexts may shape the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on couples’ relationships. Journal of Family Theory & Review.
Dutton, H., Deane, K.L., & Overall, N.C. (2023). The role of actors’ and partners’ self-disclosure in predicting relationship quality in youth mentoring relationships. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 52, 1157–1169.
Overall, N.C., Howard, C., Osborne, D., Pietromonaco, P.R., Satherley, N., & Sibley, C.G. (2023). Applying propensity score matching to assess the impact of the pandemic on intimate relationships. Social Psychological and Personality Compass, e12747.
Overall, N.C., Maner, J.K., Hammond, M.D., Cross, E.J., Chang, V.T., Low, R.S.T., Girme, Y.U., Jayamaha, S.D., Reid, C.J., & Sasaki, E. (2023). Actor and partner power are distinct and have differential effects on social behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 124(2), 311–343.
Sasaki, E., & Overall, N.C. (2023). Constructive conflict resolution requires tailored responsiveness to specific needs. Current Opinion in Psychology, 52: 101638.
Sasaki, E., Overall, N.C., Reis, H.T., Righetti, F., Chang, V.T., Low, R.S.T., Henderson, A.M.E., McRae, C.S., Cross, E.J., Jayamaha, S.D., Maniaci, M.R. & Reid, C.J. (2023). Feeling loved as a strong link in relationship interactions: Partners who feel loved may buffer destructive behavior by actors who feel unloved. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(2), 367-396.
Ting, A., Gillath, O., Overall, N.C., & Collins, T. (2023). Ideal-Perception consistency and regulation of best friends: Associations with attachment anxiety and avoidance. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40(1), 29–54.
Waddell, N., & Overall. N.C. (2023). Bias, accuracy, and assumed similarity in judging intimate partners’ sexist attitudes. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40(2), 506–527. doi/10.1177/02654075221118546
Chang, V.T., & Overall, N. C. (2022). Biased memories contribute to the links between stress and depressive symptoms. Emotion, 22, 227-243.
Chang, V.T., & Overall, N.C. (2022). Attachment anxiety, tracking accuracy, and biased memory of prior relationship evaluations. Personal Relationships, 29, 262-282.
Girme, Y.U., Overall, N.C., & Simpson, J.A. (2022). Introduction to the special issue: Nonlinear effects and dynamics in close relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(10), 2991-3000.
Harrington, A.G., Overall, N.C., & Maxwell, J.A. (2022). Feminine gender role discrepancy strain and women’s self-esteem in daily and weekly life: A person x context perspective. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 87, 35-51.
Hockey, A., Donovan, C., Overall, N.C., & Barlow, F. K. (2022). Body image projection bias in heterosexual romantic relationships: A dyadic investigation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 48(7), 987-1004.
Howard, C., Overall, N.C., & Sibley, C.G. (2022). Do stressful life events impact long-term well-being? Annual change in well-being following different life events compared to matched controls. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1012120. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1012120
Howard, C., Overall, N.C. & Sibley, C.G. (2022). Monthly trends in the life events reported in the prior year and first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 829643. doi.10.3389/fpsyg.2022.829643
Howard, C., Zubielevitch, E., Overall, N.C., & Sibley, C.G. (2022). The Broad Inventory of Specific Life Events (BISLE): Development, Validation, and Population Prevalence. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 51, 59-74.
Low, R. S. T., Overall, N. C., Chang, V.T. & Henderson, A. M. E., & Sibley, C.G. (2022). Emotion regulation and psychological and physical health during a nationwide COVID-19 lockdown. Emotion, 21(8), 1671-1690.
Osborne, D., Huang, Y., Overall, N.C., Sutton, R., Petterson, A., Douglas, K., Davies, P.G., & Sibley, C.G. (2022). Abortion attitudes: An overview of demographic and ideological differences. Advances in Political Psychology, 43 (S1), 29-76.
Overall, N.C., Chang, V.T., Pietromonaco, P.R., Low, S.T. & Henderson, A.M.E. (2022). Partners’ attachment insecurity and stress predict poorer relationship functioning during COVID-19 quarantines. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13, 285-298.
Overall, N.C., Low, R.S.T., Chang, V.T., Henderson, A.M.E., McRae, C.S., & Pietromonaco, P.R. (2022) Enduring COVID-19 Lockdowns: Risk versus resilience in parents’ health and family functioning across the pandemic. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(11), 3296-3319.
Overall, N.C., Pietromonaco, P.R. & Simpson, J.A. (2022). Buffering and spillover of adult attachment insecurity in couple and family relationships. Nature Reviews Psychology, 1, 101-111. doi.10.1038/s44159-021-00011-1
Pietromonaco, P.R. & Overall, N.C. (2022). Implications of social isolation, separation and loss during the Covid-19 pandemic for couples’ relationships. Current Opinion in Psychology, 43, 189-194.
Pietromonaco, P.R. & Overall, N.C. (2022). How far is the reach of personality in relationship functioning during COVID-19?: Reply to Pfund and Hill (2022). American Psychologist, 77(1), 145-146.
Pietromonaco, P.R., Overall, N.C. & Power, S.I. (2022). Depressive symptoms, external stress, and marital adjustment: The buffering effect of partner’s responsive behavior. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13(1), 220-232.
Sasaki, E., Overall, N.C., Chang, V.T., & Low, R.S. T. (2022). A dyadic perspective of emotional suppression: Own or partner suppression weakens relationships. Emotion, 22(8), 1989-1994.
Brownhalls, J., Duffy, A., Eriksson, L., Overall, N.C., Sibley, C.G., Radke, H., & Barlow, F.K. (2021). Make it safe at night or teach women to fight? An investigation of sexism and gender specific interventions targeting men’s violence toward women. Sex Roles, 84, 183-195.
Cross, E.J., Overall, N.C., Jayamaha, S.D., & Sibley, C.G. (2021). Does low self-esteem predict lower wellbeing following relationship dissolution? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38, 2184-2204.
Cross, E.J., Overall, N.C., Low, R.S.T., & Henderson, A.M.E. (2021). Relationship problems, agreement and bias in perceptions of partners’ parental responsiveness, and family functioning. Journal of Family Psychology, 35(4), 510–522.
Girme, Y.U., Jones, R.E., Fleck, C., Simpson, J.A., & Overall, N.C. (2021). Infants’ attachment insecurity predicts attachment-relevant emotion regulation patterns in adulthood. Emotion, 21(2), 260-272.
Harrington, A.G. & Overall, N.C. (2021). Romantic rejection and women’s body dissatisfaction: The moderating role of attractiveness contingent self-esteem. Body Image, 39, 77-89.
Harrington, A.G., Overall, N.C., & Cross, E.J. (2021). Masculine gender role stress, low relationship power, and aggression toward intimate partners. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 22, 48-62.
Jayamaha, S.D., Overall, N.C., Girme, Y.U., Hammond, M.D., & Fletcher, G.J.O. (2021). Depressive symptoms, stress and poorer emotional support when needed by intimate partners. Emotion, 21(6), 1160-1176.
McRae, C. S., Overall, N. C., Henderson, A. M. E., Low, R. S. T., & Cross, E.J. (2021). Conflict-Coparenting Spillover: The role of actors’ and partners’ attachment insecurity and gender. Journal of Family Psychology, 35(7), 972-982.
McRae, C. S., Overall, N. C., Henderson, A. M. E., Low, R. S. T., & Chang, V.T. (2021). Parents’ distress and poor parenting during COVID-19: The buffering effects of partner support and cooperative coparenting. Developmental Psychology, 57, 1623-1632. Special Issue: Parenting and Family Dynamics in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Overall, N.C., Chang, V.T., Cross, E.J., Low, S.T., & Henderson, A.M.E. (2021). Sexist attitudes predict family-based aggression during a COVID-19 lockdown. Journal of Family Psychology, 35, 1043-1052.
Pietromonaco, P.R. & Overall, N.C. (2021). Applying relationship science to evaluate how the COVID-19 pandemic may impact couples’ relationships. American Psychologist, 76, 438-450.
Pietromonaco, P.R., Overall, N.C., Beck, L.A., & Powers, S.I. (2021). Is low power associated with submission during marital conflict? Moderating roles of gender and traditional gender role beliefs. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12, 165-175.
Sasaki, E., & Overall, N.C. (2021). Partners’ withdrawal when actors behave destructively: Implications for perceptions of partners’ responsiveness and relationship satisfaction. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47, 307-323.
Waddell, N., Overall, N.C., Chang, V.T., & Hammond, M.D. (2021). Gendered Division of Labour during a Nationwide COVID-19 Lockdown: Implications for Relationship Problems and Satisfaction. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38, 1759-1781. Special Issue: Relationships in the time of COVID 19.
Pietromonaco, P.R., Overall, N.C., Beck, L.A., & Powers, S.I. (2020). Is low power associated with submission during marital conflict? Moderating roles of gender and traditional gender role beliefs. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12, 165-175.
Fletcher, G.J.O., Overall, N.C., & Campbell, L. (2020). Reconsidering the “Best Practices” for testing the predictive validity of ideal standards: A response to Eastwick, Finkel, and Simpson (2018). Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46, 1581-1595.
Hammond, M.D., Cross, E.J., & Overall, N.C. (2020). Sexist attitudes and intimate relationships: Relationship (in)security is central to the sources and outcomes of sexism. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 14, e12522.
Hammond, M.D. & Overall, N.C. (2020). Men’s hostile sexism and biased perceptions of partners’ support: Underestimating dependability rather than overestimating challenges to dominance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46, 1491-1506.
Joel, S., Eastwick, P.W., et al. (2020). Machine learning uncovers the most robust self-report predictors of relationship quality across 43 longitudinal couples studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (32), 19061-19071.
Lee, C.H.J., Overall, N.C., & Sibley, C.G. (2020). Maternal and paternal confidence in vaccine safety: Whose attitudes are predictive of children’s vaccination? Vaccine, 7057-7062.
Overall, N.C. (2020). Behavioral variability reduces the harmful longitudinal effects of partners’ negative-direct behavior on relationship problems. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Overall, N.C., Clark, M.S., Fletcher, G.J.O., Peters, B.J., & Chang, V.T. (2020). Does expressing emotions enhance perceptual accuracy of negative emotions during relationship interactions? Emotion, 20, 353-367.
Peters, B.J., & Overall, N.C. (2020). Perceptions of romantic partners’ emotional suppression are more biased than accurate. Emotion, 20, 1485-1489.
Peters, B.J., Overall, N.C., Cameron, L.D., Hammond, M.D., Low, R.S.T., & Girme, Y.U. (2020). Do habitual emotional suppression measures predict response-focused situational suppression during social interactions? Emotion, 20, 1005-1019.
Sasaki, E., & Overall, N.C. (2020). A dyadic perspective of felt security: Does partners’ security buffer the effects of actors’ insecurity on daily commitment? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 7411.
Sibley, C.G., Afzali, M.U., Satherley, N., Ejova, A., Stronge, S., Yogeeswaran, K., Grimshaw, M., Hawi, D., Mirnajafi, Z., Barlow, F.K., Milojev, P., Greaves, L. M., Kapeli, S., Zubielevitch, E., Hamley, L., Basabas, M.C., Wu, M.H., Howard, C., Lee, C.H.J., Huang, Y., Lockhart, C., Bahamondes, J., Manuela, S., Milfont, T. L., Perry, R., Sengupta, N. K., Overall, N.C., Shaver, J.H., Troughton, G., Osborne, D., & Bulbulia, J. (2020). Prejudice toward Muslims in New Zealand: Insights from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 49, 48-72.
Sibley, CG., Greaves, L.M., Satherley, N, Wilson, M.S., Overall, N.C., Lee, C.H.J., Milojev, P., Bulbulia, J., Osborne, D., Milfont, T.L., Houkamau, C.A., Duck., I.M., Vickers-Jones, R., & Barlow, F.K. (2020). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown on trust, attitudes towards government, and wellbeing. American Psychologist, 75(5), 618-630.
Cross, E.J., Overall, N.C., Low, R.S.T., & McNulty, J.K. (2019). Men’s hostile sexism, biased perceptions of low power, and aggression toward intimate partners. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 117, 338-363.
Cross, E. J., & Overall, N.C. (2019). Women experience more serious relationship problems when male partners endorse hostile sexism. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 1022-1041.
Girme, Y.U., Overall, N.C., & Hammond, M.D. (2019). Facilitating autonomy in interdependent relationships: Invisible support facilitates highly avoidant individuals’ autonomy. Journal of Family Psychology, 33, 154-165.
Jayamaha, S., & Overall, N.C. (2019). The dyadic nature of self-evaluations: Self-esteem and efficacy shape and are shaped by support processes in relationships. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 10, 244-256.
Juarros-Basterretxea, J., Overall, N.C., Herrero, J.H., & Rodríguez-Díaz, F.J. (2019). Considering the effect of sexism on psychological intimate partner violence: A study with imprisoned men. European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, 11, 61-69.
Karantzas, G.C., Simpson, J.A., Overall, N.C., & Campbell, L. (2019). The association between attachment orientations and partner evaluations: An ideal standards perspective. Personal Relationships, 26, 628-653.
Low, R.S.T., Overall, N.C., Cross, E.J., & Henderson, A.M.E. (2019). Emotion regulation, conflict resolution, and spillover on subsequent family functioning. Emotion, 19, 1162-1182.
Overall, N.C. (2019). Attachment insecurity and power regulation in intimate relationships. Current Opinion in Psychology, 25, 53-58.
Peters, B.J., Overall, N.C., Girme, Y.U., & Jamieson, J.P. (2019). Partners’ attachment insecurity predicts greater physiological threat in anticipation of attachment-relevant interactions. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
Stronge, S., Overall, N.C., & Sibley, C.G. (2019). Gender differences in the associations between relationship status, social support, and wellbeing. Journal of Family Psychology, 33, 819-829.
Arriaga, X.B., Kumashiro, M., Simpson, J.A., & Overall, N.C. (2018). Revising working models across time: Relationship situations that enhance attachment security. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 22, 71-96.
Arps, E.R., Friesen, M.D., & Overall, N.C. (2018). Promoting youth mental health via text-messages: New Zealand feasibility study. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 10, 457-480.
Cameron, L.D., & Overall, N.C. (2018). Suppression and expression as distinct emotion-regulation processes in daily interactions: Longitudinal and meta-analyses. Emotion.
Chang, V.T., Overall, N.C., Madden. H., & Low, R.S.T. (2018). Expressive suppression tendencies, projection bias in memory of negative emotions and wellbeing. Emotion. Online First.
Cross, E.J., & Overall, N.C. (2018). Women’s Attraction to Benevolent Sexism: Needing Relationship Security Predicts Greater Attraction to Men who Endorse Benevolent Sexism. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 336-347.
Dixon, H.C., & Overall, N.C. (2018). Regulating fears of rejection: Dispositional mindfulness attenuates the links between daily conflict, rejection fears and destructive relationship behaviors. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 35, 159-179.
Girme, Y.U., Maniaci, M.R., Reis, H.T., McNulty, J.K., Carmichael, C.L., Gable, S.L., Baker, L.R., & Overall, N.C. (2018). Does support need to be seen to benefit relationships? Daily invisible support promotes next day relationship well-being. Journal of Family Psychology, 32, 860-872.
Overall, N.C. (2018). Does partners’ negative-direct communication during conflict help sustain perceived commitment and relationship quality across time? Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Overall, N.C. & Hammond, M.D. (2018). How intimate relationships contribute to gender inequality: Sexist attitudes encourage women to trade-off career success for relationship security. Policy Insights from Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Russell, V.M., Baker, L.R., McNulty, J.K., & Overall, N.C. (2018). “You’re Forgiven, but Don’t Do It Again!” Direct Partner Regulation Buffers the Costs of Forgiveness. Journal of Family Psychology, 32, 435-444.
Thompson, R.A., Overall, N.C., Cameron, L.D., & Low, R.S.T. (2018). Emotional suppression during relationship conflict: Regulating the risk of rejection via emotional suppression impedes conflict resolution. Journal of Family Psychology, 32, 722-732.
Cross, E.J., Overall, N.C., Hammond, M.D., & Fletcher, G.J.O. (2017). When does Men’s Hostile Sexism Predict Relationship Aggression? The Moderating Role of Partner Commitment. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Hammond, M.D. & Overall, N.C. (2017). Intimate relationship dynamics reveal important causes, consequences and functions of sexist attitudes. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 26, 120-125.
Jayamaha, S.D., Girme, Y.U., & Overall, N.C. (2017). When attachment anxiety impedes support provision: The role of feeling unvalued and unappreciated. Journal of Family Psychology, 31, 181-191.
Low, R.S.T., Overall, N.C., Hammond, M.D., & Girme, Y.U. (2017). Expressive suppression during personal goal pursuit impedes goal striving and achievement. Emotion, 17, 208-223.
Overall, N.C., & McNulty, J.K. (2017). What type of communication during conflict is beneficial for intimate relationships? Current Opinion in Psychology, 13, 1-5.
Cross, E.J., Overall, N.C. & Hammond, M.D. (2016). Perceiving Partners to Endorse Benevolent Sexism Attenuates Highly Anxious Women’s Negative Reactions to Conflict. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42, 923-940.
Dixon, H.C., & Overall, N.C. (2016). Dispositional mindfulness attenuates the link between daily stress and depressed mood. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 35, 256-269.
Farrell, A.K., Simpson, J.A., Overall, N.C., & Shallcross, S.L. (2016). Buffering avoidantly attached romantic partners in strain test situations. Journal of Family Psychology, 30, 580-591.
Girme, Y.U., Molloy, P., & Overall, N.C. (2016). Repairing distance and facilitating support: Reassurance seeking by highly avoidant individuals is associated with greater closeness and partner support. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42, 645-661.
Girme, Y.U., Overall, N.C, Faingataa, S., & Sibley, C. G. (2016). Happily single: The link between relationship status and wellbeing depends on avoidance and approach social goals. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 72, 122-130.
Hammond, M.D., Overall, N.C. & Cross, E.J. (2016). Internalizing sexism within close relationships: Perceptions of intimate partners’ benevolent sexism promote women’s endorsement of benevolent sexism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110, 214-238.
Jayamaha, S.D., Antonellis, C., & Overall, N.C. (2016). Attachment insecurity and inducing guilt to regulate romantic partners. Personal Relationships, 23, 311-338.
Overall, N.C., Hammond, M.D., McNulty, J.K., & Finkel, E.J. (2016). Power in context: Relationship and situational power interact to predict men’s aggression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 111, 195-217.
Fletcher, G.J.O., Simpson. J.A., Campbell, L., & Overall, N.C. (2015). Pair-bonding, romantic love, and evolution: The curious case of Homo sapiens. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10, 20-36.
Girme, Y.U., Overall, N.C., Simpson, J.A., & Fletcher, G.J.O. (2015). “All or nothing”: Attachment avoidance and the curvilinear effects of partner support. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108(3), 450-475. Download PDF
Girme, Y.U., Overall, N.C, Faingataa, S., & Sibley, C.G. (2015). Happily Single: The Link between Relationship Status and Wellbeing Depends on Avoidance and Approach Social Goals. Social Personality and Psychological Science. Download PDF
Hammond, M.D., & Overall, N.C. (2015). Benevolent sexism and support of romantic partner’s goals: Undermining women’s competence while fulfilling men’s intimacy needs. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41, 1180-1194. Download PDF
Jayamaha, S.D., & Overall, N.C. (2015). The moderating effect of agents’ self-esteem on the success of negative-direct partner regulation strategies. Personal Relationships, 22, 738–761.
Overall, N.C., Fletcher, G.J.O., Simpson, J.A., & Filo, J. (2015). Attachment insecurity, biased perceptions of romantic partners’ negative emotions, and hostile relationship behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 108(5):730-749. Download PDF
Overall, N.C. & Simpson, J.A. (2015). Attachment and dyadic regulation processes. Current Opinion in Psychology, 1, 61-66. Download PDF
Girme, Y.U., Overall, N.C., & Faingataa, S. (2014). “Date nights” take two: The maintenance function of shared relationship activities. Personal Relationships, 21, 125-149. Download PDF
Hammond, M.D., & Overall, N.C. (2014). Endorsing benevolent sexism magnifies willingness to dissolve relationships when facing partner-ideal discrepancies. Personal Relationships, 21(2), 272-287. Download PDF
Hammond, M.D., Sibley, C.G., & Overall, N.C. (2014). The allure of sexism: Narcissism fosters women’s endorsement of benevolent sexism over time. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5, 422-429.
Overall, N.C., Girme, Y.U., Lemay, E. P. Jr., & Hammond, M.D. (2014). Attachment anxiety and reactions to relationship threat: The benefits and costs of inducing guilt in romantic partners. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106, 235-256. Download PDF
Peters, B.J., Overall, N.C., & Jamieson, J.P. (2014). Physiological and cognitive consequences of suppressing and expressing emotion in dyadic interactions. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 94, 100-107. Download PDF
Simpson, J.A., & Overall, N.C. (2014). Partner buffering of attachment insecurity. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23, 54-59. Download PDF
Baker, L.T., McNulty, J., Overall, N.C., Lambert, N., & Fincham, F. (2013). How do relationship maintenance behaviors affect individual well-Being? A contextual perspective. Social and Personality Psychological Science, 4, 282-289. Download PDF
Campbell, L., Overall, N.C., Rubin, H., & Lackenbauer, S.D. (2013). Inferring a partner’s ideal discrepancies: Accuracy, projection, and the communicative role of interpersonal behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 105, 217-233. Download PDF
Girme, Y.U., Overall, N.C., & Simpson, J.A. (2013). When visibility matters: Short versus long term benefits of visible and invisible support. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 1441-1451. Download PDF
Hammond, M.D., & Overall, N.C. (2013). Men’s hostile sexism and biased perceptions of intimate partners: Fostering dissatisfaction and negative behavior in close relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 1585-1599. Download PDF
Hammond, M.D., & Overall, N.C. (2013). When Relationships do not live up to Benevolent Ideals: Women’s Benevolent Sexism and Sensitivity to Relationship Problems. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 212-223. Download PDF
Overall, N.C. & Hammond, M.D. (2013). Biased and accurate: Depressive symptoms and daily perceptions within intimate relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 636-650. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., Simpson, J.A., & Struthers, H. (2013). Buffering attachment avoidance: Softening emotional and behavioral defenses during conflict discussions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104, 854-871. Download PDF
Lemay, E.P., Jr., Overall, N.C., & Clark, M.S. (2012). Experiences and interpersonal consequences of hurt feelings and anger. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103, 982-1006. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., Fletcher, G.J.O., & Kenny, D.A. (2012). When bias and insecurity promote accuracy: Mean-level bias and tracking accuracy in couples’ conflict discussions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 642-655. Download PDF
Tan, R., Overall, N.C., & Taylor, J.K. (2012). Let’s talk about us: Attachment, relationship-focused disclosure, and relationship quality. Personal Relationships, 19, 521-534. Download PDF
Trayes, J., Harré, N., & Overall, N.C. (2012). A youth performing arts experience: Psychological experiences, recollections and the desire to do it again. Journal of Adolescent Research, 27, 155-182.
Hira, S.N., & Overall, N.C. (2011). Improving intimate relationships: Targeting the partner versus changing the self. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 28, 610-633. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., Deane, K.L., & Peterson, E.R. (2011). Promoting doctoral students’ research self-Efficacy: Combining academic guidance with autonomy support. Higher Education Research and Development, 30, 791-805. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., Sibley, C.G., & Tan, R. (2011). The costs and benefits of sexism: Resistance to influence during relationship conflict interactions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101, 271–290. Download PDF
Sibley, C.G., & Overall, N.C. (2011). A dual-process motivational model of ambivalent sexism and gender differences in romantic partner preferences. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 35, 303-317.
Overall, N.C., Fletcher, G.J.O., & Simpson, J.A. (2010). Helping each other grow: Romantic partner support, self-improvement and relationship quality. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 1496-1513. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., & Fletcher, G.J.O. (2010). Perceiving regulation from intimate partners: Reflected appraisal and self-regulation processes in close relationships. Personal Relationships, 17, 433-456. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., & Sibley, C.G. (2010). Convergent and Discriminant Validity of the Accommodation Scale: Evidence from Three Diary Studies. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 299-304. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., & Sibley, C.G., & Travaglia, L.K. (2010). Loyal but ignored: The benefits and costs of constructive communication behavior. Personal Relationships, 17, 127-148. Download PDF
Sibley, C.G., & Overall, N.C. (2010). Modeling the hierarchical structure of personality-attachment associations: Domain diffusion versus domain differentiation. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 27, 47-70. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., Fletcher, G.J.O., Simpson, J.A., & Sibley, C.G. (2009). Regulating partners in intimate relationships: The costs and benefits of different communication strategies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96, 620-639. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., & Sibley, C.G. (2009). When rejection-sensitivity matters: Regulating dependence within daily interactions with family and friends. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35, 1057-1070. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., & Sibley, C.G. (2009). Attachment and dependence regulation within daily interactions with romantic partners. Personal Relationships, 16, 239-261. Download PDF
Sibley, C.G., Overall, N.C., & Duckitt, J., Perry, R., Milfont, T.L., Khan, S.S., Fischer, R., & Robertson, A. (2009). Your sexism predicts my sexism: Perceptions of men’s (but not women’s) sexism affects one’s own sexism over time. Sex Roles, 60, 682-693. Download PDF
Travaglia, L.K., Overall, N.C., & Sibley, C.G. (2009). Hostile and benevolent sexism and preferences for romantic partners. Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 599-604. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., & Sibley, C.G. (2008a). When accommodation matters: Situational dependency within daily interactions with romantic partners. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 95-104. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., & Sibley, C.G. (2008). Attachment and attraction toward romantic partners versus relevant alternatives within daily interactions. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 1126-1137. Download PDF
Sibley, C.G., & Overall, N.C. (2008). The boundaries between attachment and personality: Localized versus generalized effects in daily social interaction. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 1394-1407. Download PDF
Sibley, C.G., & Overall, N.C. (2008). Modeling the hierarchical structure of attachment representations: A test of domain differentiation. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 238-249. Download PDF
Sibley, C.G., & Overall, N.C. (2007). The boundaries between attachment and personality: Associations across three levels of the attachment network. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 960-967. Download PDF
Sibley, C.G., Overall, N.C., & Duckitt, J. (2007). When women become more hostilely sexist toward their gender: The system-justifying effect of benevolent sexism. Sex Roles, 57, 743-754. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., Fletcher, G.J.O., & Simpson, J.A. (2006). Regulation processes in intimate relationships: The role of ideal standards. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 662-685. Download PDF
Friesen, M.D., Fletcher, G.J.O., & Overall, N.C. (2005). A dyadic assessment of forgiveness in intimate relationships. Personal Relationships, 21, 61-77. Download PDF
Fletcher, G.J.O., Tither, J.M., O’Loughlin, C., Friesen, M.D., & Overall, N.C. (2004). Warm and homely or cold and beautiful? Sex differences in trading off traits in mate selection. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 659-672. Download PDF
Overall, N.C., Fletcher, G.J.O., & Friesen, M.D. (2003). Mapping the intimate relationship mind: Comparisons between three models of attachment representations. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29, 1479-1493. Download PDF
Fletcher, G.J.O., Simpson. J.A., Campbell, L., & Overall, N.C. (2019). The Science of Intimate Relationships. 2nd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell.
Fletcher, G.J.O., Simpson. J.A., Campbell, L., & Overall, N.C. (2013). The Science of Intimate Relationships. Wiley-Blackwell.
Book Chapters
Low, R.S.T. & Overall, N.C. (forthcoming). Emotion Regulation in Couple Relationships. In N.C. Overall, J.A. Simpson & J.A. Lavner (Eds.), Research Handbook on Couple and Family Relationships. Edward Elgar.
McNulty, J. T. & Overall, N.C. (forthcoming). Conflict and Communication in Couple Relationships. In N.C. Overall, J.A. Simpson & J.A. Lavner (Eds.), Research Handbook on Couple and Family Relationships. Edward Elgar.
Pietromonaco, P.R. & Overall, N.C. (forthcoming). Attachment insecurity shapes physiological and behavioral responses to stress: Implications for couples coping with illness. In R. Sanderman & Karen Morgan (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Health Psychology and Behavior Change. Routledge.
Pietromonaco, P.R. & Overall, N.C. (2024). How will couples adapt to stress from the COVID-19 pandemic? A relationship science perspective. In M.K. Miller (Ed). The Social Science of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Call to Action for Researchers. Oxford University Press.
Pietromonaco, P.R. & Overall, N.C. (2023). Romantic relationships during a global pandemic. In B. G. Ogolsky (Ed.) The Socio-Cultural Context of Romantic Relationships. Advances in Personal Relationships Series. Cambridge University Press.
Girme, Y.U. & Overall, N.C. (2021). A functional account of multiple internal working models: Flexibility in ranking, structure and content across contexts and time. In R. A. Thompson, J. A. Simpson, & L. Berlin (Eds.), Attachment: The Fundamental Questions (pp. 136-146). New York: Guilford Press.
Nakamura, M.S., Simpson, J.A., & Overall, N.C. (2020). Partner buffering in intimate relationships: An attachment perspective. In Laura E. Vanderdrift, Christopher R. Agnew, and Ximena B. Arriaga (Eds.), Interdependence, Interaction, and Close Relationships (pp. 144-159). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Overall, N.C., & Cross, E.J. (2019). Attachment insecurity and the regulation of power and dependence in intimate relationships. In C.R. Agnew & J.J. Harmon (Eds.), Power in Close Relationships (pp. 28-54). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Fletcher, G.J.O., Overall, N.C., & Friesen, M.D. (in press). Social cognition in intimate relationships. In D. Perlman & A. Vangelisti (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Hammond M.D., & Overall, N.C. (2017). Sexism in interpersonal contexts. In Sibley, C. G., & Barlow, F. K. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Prejudice (pp. 321-344). Cambridge University Press.
Overall, N.C., Girme, Y.U., & Simpson, J.A. (2016). The power of diagnostic situations: How support and conflict can foster growth and security. In C.R. Knee and H.T. Reis (Eds.), Positive Approaches to Optimal Relationship Development. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Simpson, J.A., Overall, N.C., Farrell, A.K. & Girme, Y.U. (2016). Partner regulation processes in close relationships. In K. D. Vohs & R. F. Baumeister (Eds.), Handbook of Self-Regulation (3rd Ed.). New York: Guilford.
Sillars, A., & Overall, N.C. (2016). Coding observed interaction. In D. Canary & A. Van Lear (Eds.), Researching Communication Interaction Behavior: A Sourcebook of Methods and Measures (pp. 199-215). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Overall, N.C. & Lemay, E.P. (2015). Attachment and dyadic regulation processes. In J.A. Simpson and W.S. Rholes (Eds.), Attachment Theory and Research: New Directions and Emerging Themes. New York: Guilford.
Baker, L.T., McNulty, J.K., & Overall, N.C. (2014). When negative emotions benefit relationships. In W.G. Parrott (Ed.), The Positive Side of Negative Emotions (pp. 101-125). New York: Guilford.
Overall, N.C., & Simpson, J.A. (2013). Regulation processes in close relationships. In J.A. Simpson & L. Campbell (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Close Relationships (pp. 427-451). New York: Oxford University Press.
Overall, N.C. (2012). The costs and benefits of trying to change intimate partners. In P. Noller & G. Karantzas (Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Couple and Family Relationships (pp. 234-247). Wiley-Blackwell.
Overall, N.C., Fletcher, G.J.O., & Tan, R. (2012). Feedback processes in intimate relationships: The costs and benefits of Partner Regulation Strategies. In R. M. Sutton, M. M. Hornsey, & K. M. Douglas (Eds.), Feedback: The Handbook of Praise, Criticism, and Advice (pp. 169-184). New York: Peter Lang.
Fletcher, G.J.O., & Overall N.C. (2010). Intimate relationships. In R. Baumeister & E.J. Finkel (Eds.), Advanced Social Psychology (pp. 461-494). Oxford: University Press.
Fitness, J., Fletcher, G. J.O., & Overall, N.C. (2007). Interpersonal Attraction and Intimate Relationships. In M. Hogg & J. Cooper (Eds.). Updated and revised version for the Concise Student Edition of the Sage Handbook of Social Psychology (pp. 219-240). London: Sage.
Fletcher, G.J.O., & Overall N.C. (2007). The self in intimate relationships: A social evolutionary account. In J. Forgas, M. Haselton, & W. Von Hippel (Eds.), The evolution of the social mind: Evolutionary psychology and social cognition (pp.195-209). Cambridge: University Press.
Fletcher, G.J.O., Overall, N.C., & Friesen, M.D. (2006). Social cognition in intimate relationships. In D. Perlman & A. Vangelisti (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships (pp. 353-368). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Fitness, J., Fletcher, G.J.O., & Overall, N.C. (2003). Interpersonal attraction and intimate relationships. In J. Cooper and M. Hogg (Eds.), Sage Handbook of Social Psychology (pp.258-278). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.