Media Appearances
Explore the links below to see our research featured in media appearances, videos, and articles
Great Sexpectations: How Your Mindset Shapes Your Love Life
Our lab lead, Dr Jessica Maxwell, chats to the BBC about how one episode of Sex and the City sparked an interest in researching how our beliefs can influence our intimate relationships.
Does “Love is Blind” Really Work?
Read this article from Stuff, where Dr Jessica Maxwell discusses whether the premise of Netflix show Love is Blind could work in real life!
Family Risk and Resilience during COVID-19 Lockdowns
How did the COVID-19 lockdowns affect NZ families? Which families were most at risk, and what factors helped families remain resilient? Read this article from the Royal Society Te Apārangi which covers the latest research from our family resilience and wellbeing study.
Greater Good Science Centre: What is Helping Couples Get through the Pandemic?
Read this article from the Greater Good Science Centre at UC Berkeley to find out what helps couples get through the pandemic.
In Mind: The Sex Tips You Won’t See in Magazines
Read Dr Jessica Maxwell's tips for staying sexually satisfied in long-term relationships in the latest issue of In Mind magazine.
Good Health: Resolving Conflict
Dr Rachel Low chatted to Good Health magazine about how communication can be used to effectively resolve conflict in relationships. See some excerpts from the interview above.
Did COVID-19 Change our Sex Lives?
Dr Jess Maxwell discusses the effects of COVID on people's sex lives here.
The Bump: Gender Roles and Parenting during COVID
Auguste Harrington discusses the effect of traditional gender roles on parenting during the pandemic here.
New Research: Sexist Attitudes and Perceptions of Power
Click here and here to read about Dr Emily Cross' and Prof Nickola Overall's research investigating how men's sexist attitudes affect how powerful they feel in their intimate relationships.
Newsroom: Healthy Conflict Makes Families Stronger
Prof Nickola Overall writes about how healthy conflict can actually be beneficial for partners and families.
NY Times: Relationships and Personal Growth
Read about Prof Nickola Overall's research regarding how partners can support each others' personal growth here.
Social Networks and Close Friends
Read here and listen here as Prof Nickola Overall discusses the size of social networks and how many close friendships we're really able to maintain.