Auguste Harrington
Auguste Harrington completed his PhD in the REACH lab in 2022. His research focuses on how gender roles and identities influence functioning within close relationships, including shaping people’s approach to relationships and their reactions to important relationship events, such as conflict, dependence and rejection. To illustrate, Auguste’s research has examined how masculine gender role stress (MGRS) interacts with feelings of power to promote aggression toward intimate partners, how attractiveness-contingent self-esteem combines with romantic rejection to undermine women’s body image, and how feminine gender role stress and feelings of femininity shape self-esteem.
Auguste now works as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Melbourne.
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Example Journal Articles
Harrington, A. G., & Maxwell, J. A. (2023). It Takes Two to Tango: Links Between Traditional Beliefs About both Men’s and Women’s Gender Roles and Comfort Initiating Sex and Comfort Refusing Sex. Sex Roles, 1-16.
Harrington, A. G., Overall, N. C., & Maxwell, J. A. (2022). Feminine Gender Role Discrepancy Strain and Women’s Self-Esteem in Daily and Weekly Life: A Person X Context Perspective. Sex Roles, 87(1-2), 35-51.
Harrington, A. G., & Overall, N. C. (2021). Women’s Attractiveness Contingent Self-Esteem, Romantic Rejection, and Body Dissatisfaction. Body Image, 39, 77-89.
Harrington, A.G., Overall, N.C., & Cross, E.J. (2021). Masculine Gender Role Stress, Low Relationship Power, and Aggression Toward Intimate Partners. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 22(1), 48-62.